New Album - "Glitterbones Bargain"
I’m very happy to share with you my new album Glitterbones Bargain. You can find it on Bandcamp, Apple Music, Spotify and all the other places. My Kickstarter for The Horse Tour has just 6 days left to reach its funding goal. I’m massively grateful to the 222 backers thus far and so appreciate any contributions, no matter how small, to get me the rest of the way. I'll be sending my backers download codes for the album within the week!
It’s been a long time since I recorded a solo album. Seven years. I’ve been focused on making shows and putting together tours. It has been a complete pleasure to build this piece with my dear old friend, musician and producer Dave Harrington of Darkside and The Dave Harrington Group. Dave and I went to preschool together and have been brothers for decades. This album features my mom, dad, uncle, Dave and past bandmates Raky Sastri and Nate Sloan.
When Dave and I were 17 we wrote down predictions of what we would end up doing with two other friends and put them in a sacred empty Java Chip ice cream container to be opened and read aloud in 10 years. We haven't gotten around to reading them yet, but I don't think it said “professional hobo” and “rock star”. Dave is one of the greatest talents I've come across in music. He speaks the language and responds accordingly. I don't speak the language very fluently. I make shows and in time feel good enough about them and music is one of the tools. Dave breathes this stuff. He was such a sensitive and understanding companion in this process, able to plug into whatever I was dreaming of, searching for, trying to communicate or feel song to song. That sensitivity, understanding, and patience is what makes him a great producer. I would marvel at him behind the computer twisting digital knobs and spiking pixelated equalizer doodads. Complete magic to me. He futzes as we talk about feel. He futzes some more and through such subtlety that feeling emerges.
Dave and I as little kids
Dave and I as bigger kids
Working with friends and family is the pinnacle for me. Dave and I have had a myriad of dynamics through the years. We played together in his high school coffee house night. We've been to each others gigs a hundred times. We have created lives of performance for ourselves in remarkably different directions. To find ourselves making something together, each having so many more tools to bring to the table was such a joy. Recording with my uncle in a brief 3-hour window he had away from the monastery where he lives and works, recording with my dad in an afternoon playpen of a hootenanny, having Nate and Raky send in pieces from across the country was all such a complete honor and joy. I'm not gonna wait another 7 years to do it again.
I hope you enjoy the album. If you do, please pass it along to other humans. I'll be releasing it on vinyl sometime in the not-too-distant future.
More about the horses soon.